8. Praxisdialog@vfdb: Power to! Gender, Macht und Kommunikation
In the Praxisdialog@vfdb you can not only inform yourself about current topics, you can also actively participate and exchange ideas with each other.
The 8th Praxisdialog@vfdb will be held on Friday, February 10, 2023, from 3:00 to 5:00 p.m. via Zoom.
Topic: Gender, power and communication
What influence does gender have on the evaluation and classification of communication? Is power read and also evaluated differently on the basis of stereotypes? What are status and power games in communication and is there a connection between gender, power and communication?
The interactive workshop "Power to!" addresses these questions and invites you to interactively deal with the different ways in which gender, power and communication work. The goal is to define one's own strategies in this context for oneself and for everyday professional life.
We look forward to the exciting, interactive presentation by
- Deborah Ruggieri…communication rules! Training, Coaching & Research
Ms. Ruggieri has been a lecturer, communication & leadership trainer, certified business coach, facilitator & speaker for 12 years:
The 8th Praxisdialog@vfdb will be opened and moderated by Dr. Anja Hofmann-Böllinghaus and Claudia Groetschel.
Get in touch with the speaker, find starting points for your daily work and get into conversation with other participants of the Praxisdialog@vfdb. Participation is free of charge and open to all interested parties. It is only necessary to register at required.
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